Japan's 40 solar terms

A Thorough Explanation of the Charm of Bōshu! A Journey Through Japan’s Forty Seasonal Divisions and Regional Customs.

The article introduces the unique features of various regions in Japan related to "Bōshu." It covers topics such as fresh vegetables in Hokkaido, seed sowing festivals in Miyagi Prefecture, prayer festivals in Fukuoka Prefecture, enjoying the four seasons in the heart of Tokyo, and traditional customs in Gifu Prefecture. Each region's charm is explained in detail, making it a valuable resource for those who love Japanese seasons and culture. By learning about Bōshu customs and regional characteristics, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the attractive points of different places in Japan. Reading this article provides information helpful for enjoying Japan's rich culture and landscapes, and it can be a useful tool for planning trips.

芒種(ぼうしゅ)の魅力を徹底解説!日本の四十節気と地域風習の旅 二十四節気七十二候


小満の魅力を全国から紐解く: 旅するライターかすみの四十節気探訪記 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Rikka: Japanese Customs and History That Color Early Summer – Travel Writer Kasumi Explains the Charm of the Four Seasons

Travel writer Kasumi introduces traditional cultures and unique features from across Japan. Explore the snow festival of Hokkaido, tea culture in Shizuoka, crafts in Kyoto, Eisa dance in Okinawa, and rice cultivation in Niigata. Ideal for enthusiasts of tradition and Japanese culture. Reading this page deepens your understanding of Japan's diverse regional cultures and inspires your next travel destination.

立夏を彩る日本の風習と歴史:旅行ライターかすみが解説する四季の魅力 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

The Japanese Nature and Traditions Taught by the Season of Kokū: The Customs and Charms of Japan’s Beautiful Four Seasons.

This page provides rich information about the traditional Japanese season of "Kokū". Travel writer Kasumi introduces the unique characteristics and customs associated with Kokū in various regions across Japan. Aimed at culture enthusiasts and travelers, it offers the benefit of discovering the unique landscapes and events that make one feel the four seasons of Japan. By reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of Japanese traditions and the beauty of nature, and find inspiration for your next journey.

穀雨の季節が教えてくれる日本の自然と伝統:美しい四季の風習とその魅力 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Journey into the Essence of Seimei: Exploring the Customs and History of the Forty Seasonal Divisions

This page focuses on the customs and festivals of Seimei throughout Japan, introducing everything from the traditional Seimei Festival in Kyoto to unique events in Okinawa. It is tailored for those who love to travel and have an interest in Japanese culture, enabling the discovery of the rich cultural aspects and regional characteristics associated with Seimei in various places. Readers will gain a deep understanding of Japan's diverse traditions and regional charms, providing inspiration for their next travel plans.

清明の神韻を感じる旅:四十節気の風習と歴史を巡る 二十四節気七十二候

Japan's 40 solar terms

Keichitsu and Japan’s Forty Seasonal Divisions: A Journey Through Customs, History, and Regional Characteristics

This article, written by Kasumi, a travel web writer who explores all over Japan, focuses on "Keichitsu," one of the forty seasonal divisions. It thoroughly introduces the customs, history, significance, characteristics, and contemporary practices specific to various regions. Packed with travel information to experience Japan's traditional culture and natural beauty, it caters to travelers keen on savoring Japan's four seasons and readers interested in Japanese culture. Reading this page deepens one's knowledge about Keichitsu in Japan and helps understand the distinct features of each region. Visiting during the Keichitsu period offers the chance to experience Japanese traditional culture, customs, and culinary culture, making for a splendid journey that embraces the arrival of spring. This article is a treasure trove of information useful for planning a trip.